Sunday 25 November 2012

Last Thursday was ... Thanksgiving Day

Do this quiz. Copy each question with the correct answer.

(downloaded from


Go to ESL Help Desk website and listen to the podcast. You must click on the word "podcast" to hear the audio. 
We will comment on it in class.

(click on the image to go to the website)

Last Thursday was ... Thanksgiving Day

Do you want to learn some facts about Thnksgiving? Do this online quiz.

 (click on the image to go to the website)

Let's listen to a podcast to learn about the way people celebrate Thanksgiving in the USA. 

(NOTE: There's an introduction which lasts 1.30 min. You can skip it.)

(click on the image to go to the website)

After listening to the podcast, can you explain, in a few words, how American people celebrate Thanksgiving?

Friday 23 November 2012

Last Thursday was ... Thanksgiving Day

- When is Thanksgiving celebrated?
- Do we celebrate this festival?

Let's watch the following video and find the answers to the questions below.

1. Why did the pilgrims leave England?
2. On what ship did the pilgrims sail to the new land?
3. Did they have a pleasant trip on the ship?
4. Was it a long trip?
5. What problems did the pilgrims have in the new land?
6. What did they do when spring came?
7. Who came to visdit the pilgrims one day?
8. What did Squanto teach the pilgrims?
9. What did the pilgrims invite to their Native American friends to?
10. Why?
11. What do people eat on Thanksgiving Day nowadays?

Sunday 18 November 2012

Let's work with Real English!

Watch this video and choose the correct option.

1. What does Jonathan do at the weekend?
    a. He plays golf.
    b. He plays sport.
    c. He plays football.
    d. He plays the flute.
2. What does Lisa do for fun?
    a. She always goes to the park.
    b. She goes to the bar.
    c. She always goes to the zoo.
    d. She goes to the park or the zoo when the weather is nice.
3. What do Caroline and Sarah do for fun?
    a. They go out and drink in parks.
    b. They go out and do sport in clubs.
    c. They don't go out and do parties at home.
    d. They go out to night clubs.
4. What does Steven do for fun?
    a. Anything to do with God. He usually goes to church.
    b. He never goes to church.
    c. He doesn't like church. He's not a Christian.
    d. He meets friends in a church every Sunday.
5. What does Larry do for fun?
    a. He only plays music.
    b. He plays videos of sports.
    c. He plays videos and does some sport.
    d. He doesn't do sport, but likes music.
6. What does Lea do for fun?
    a. He does car racing.
    b. He watches car races.
    c. He plays car racing games on the computer.
    d. He reads car racing magazines.
7. What do Christine and Victoria do for fun?
    a. Christine likes dancing.
    b. They like staying at home with their friends.
    c. Victoria likes dancing and Christine likes going out with friends.
    d. They like dancing with friends.
8. What does Vicky do for fun?
    a. She's always bored because she's not a funny person.
    b. She never has fun because she works too much.
    c. She doesn't like having fun. She prefers working.
    d. She has a lot of fun when she's at work.

Let's learn about England!

Click on the image and do the comprehension exercise provided.

Do you know anything about the Queen of England? Let's get to know her a little bit more.Watch this video, read the text and then do the comprehension exercise.

(click on the image to see the text bigger on the original website)

1. a. She was crowned in 1952
    b. She was crowned in 1953.

2. a. Queen Elisabeth and Prince Phillip have three sons and one
    b. Queen Elisabeth and Prince Phillip have three daughters and
        one son.

3. a. The Diamond Jubilee is celebrated after 60 years governing or
        married to a person.
    b. The Diamond Jubilee is celebrated after 50 years governing or
        married to a person.

4. a. Queen Elisabeth and Prince Phillip are  touring the UK.
    b. Queen Elisabeth and Prince Phillip are touring England.

5. a. Elisabeth is only the queen of the United Kingdom.
    b. Elisabeth is the queen of the United Kingdom and 13 other

6. On Tuesday 5th June 2012 there was a bank holiday. What is a
    bank holiday?
    a. It's a day when banks close, but most people go to work.
    b. It's a day when banks and many shops close and many people
        have the day off.

Friday 16 November 2012

Let's introduce ourselves

Copy and omplete this conversation between Matt and Roger.

MATT: Hello. _____________________________?
ROGER: My name is Roger. _________________?
MATT: I'm Matt. 
ROGER: I'm eleven. ________________?
MATT: ___________ twelve.
ROGER: I'm fine. __________________?
MATT: I'm a bit tired today. 
ROGER: I'm from Switzerland, but I live in Liverpool.
MATT: I'm from Liverpool and I live here too.
ROGER: ________________________?
MATT: Yes, I've gor one sister called Sue. 
ROGER: No, I'm an only child.
MATT: Well, nice to meet you.
ROGER: Pleased to meet you, Matt. See you.
MATT: __________________

Now watch these videos and pay special attention to the pronunciation.

Now watch aa selection of different British and American series and see how they introduce each other.

Friday 9 November 2012

Let's talk about the USA

- Who is the president of the United States?
- How many states has the USA got?
- How many stars are there in the USA flag?

Find the information on the net.This link can help you


 Where are these cities? New York, Los Angeles, Washington, 
   Las Vegas, Denver, Chicago, Houston, San Francisco, Miami and Orlando.

Use this compass to describe the location of the previous cities.


- New York is in the north-east of the USA.

Let's talk about the USA


The flag of the USA has got thirteen equal horizontal stripes and 50 white stars. 
- What do the stripes represent?
- And the stars?
- What are two nicknames for the flag?

You can find the information clicking on this link: 


Look at the following map of the USA and:

a. locate the following cities: 
New York, Washington, Chicago, Philadelphia, Las Vegas, Boston, San Francisco, Orlando, Indianapolis and Los Angeles.

b. Name two places that you can visit in every city.

- You must look for the information on the net.
- You can either print the map or draw it on a sheet of paper.

Let's talk about the USA

 Who is the new president of the USA after the elections on November 6th?

Listen tothe American National Anthem and choose the appropriate words.

- The singer is called Jessica Sánchez. Who is she? (Find the answer on the net.)

 For the whole version click here:

AMERICAN NATIONAL ANTHEM   (two-verse version)

Oh, say! can you see by the dawn's early light /night/star
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming;
Whose broad stripes and white /light / bright stars, through

    the perilous fight,
O'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming?
And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in

      my hair / air / despair,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there:
Oh, say! does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave / save / race?

Oh, thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand
Between their loved home and the war's desolation!
Blest with victory and peace, may the heav'n-rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation!
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: "In God is our trust":
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave / save / race.


Find words that mean:
a. soft glowing light from the sky; period of obscurity.
b. lines.
c. shine with a strong light.
d. a long strip of cloth with a slogan.
e. to move one's hand or something to and fro.

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Let's talk about the USA


Find the answers to these questions on the net:
a. What's the new president of the USA?
b. How old is he?
c. Is he married?
d. Has he got any children?


Look at the following map of the USA and:

a. locate the following cities: 
New York, Washington, Chicago, Philadelphia, Las Vegas, Boston, San Francisco, Orlando, Indianapolis and Los Angeles.

b. Name two places that you can visit in every city.

- You must look for the information on the net.
- You can either print the map or draw it on a sheet of paper.

Monday 5 November 2012

Let's revise HAVE GOT

This is a very simple and colourful exercise. Please, click on the link

Now go to this link and do this exercise. Then press check to see the corrections.

Sunday 4 November 2012

There's no blog work for 2nd and 3rd ESO this week!



Fond noir. Une bouche de femme s'avance pour allumer une cigarette à l'aide d'un briquet en forme de losange.

Cliquez sur les liens.


Film issu d'une série de 12 court métrages contre le racisme

Cliquez sur le lien et faire les activités

Monday 29 October 2012

It's Halloween

Let's learn some facts about the origins oh Halloween.

Read each text and ansewer the questions below.

1. Where does the word Halloween come from?
2. What's the meaning of the word "Halloween"?
3. What happened on October 31st in Celtic Ireland in the 5thc BC
     (Before Christ)?


Now watch this video on a Halloween appliccation and choose the correct answer for each question.

Make your smartphone Halloween-ready

1. How many noises can you access with this application?
    a. 20          b. 10          c. 12          d. 22

2. How many places does this app have in its database?
    a. 3,000          b. more than 3,000          c. less than 3,000

3. How much is it?
    a. 99 euros          b. 99 dollars          c. 99 pounds         
    d. 99 cents

4. Can you call your friends for free?

It's Halloween

October 31st is the night of Halloween. Try to do this crossword and learn some vocabulary.
You can print the worksheet or copy the definitions and the word that corresponds to each one.

(If you click on the image you'll go to the booglesworld website. then click on "Halloween crossword 1".)

Friday 26 October 2012


History of Halloween

Halloween falls on October 31st each year in North America and other parts of the world. What do you know about Halloween? Do you celebrate it in your country? Here are some facts about this festival.


Answer these questions from the previous text.

1. When is Halloween celebrated?
2. What do people wear on that day?
3. Where is this festival really popular?
4. What do children do on that day?
5. What do the children say to the neighbours?
6. What do the neighbours give to the children?
7. What is a "Jack-o'-lantern"?
8. Why do people put a candle inside a pumpkin?


Now watch this video and write down 10 words related to Halloween.



On 31st October Halloween is celebrated. Watch this video to learn some facts about its history and then aswer the questions below.

1. When is the origin of Halloween?
    a. one thousand years ago
    b. two thousand years ago
    c. one hundred years ago
    d. two hundred years ago
2. To start talking about Halloween's origin we must go back to ...
    a. the Romans
    b. the Vikings
    c. the demons
    d. the druids
3. Where did those people live?
    a. in England
    b. in Ireland
    c. in both England and Ireland
4. What did they think?
   a. the believed that the spirits would return to the Earth
       on Halloween.
   b. they thought that the spirits would never return to Earth,
       neither on Halloween.
   c. they believed that the spirits were bad.
   d. they thought that the spirits were good.
5. Why did people dress up to look like ghosts?
   a. to scare the evil spirits
   b. to have fun
   c. to go trick-or-treating
6. Why did the neighbours give the people treats?
   a. In order to have something to eat.
   b. In order to have a good time and play a little bit.
   c. Because they had a lot of things that they didn't want.
   d. Because they didn't want the evil spirits to play a trick on them.
7. Why should people dress in coloured costumes?
   a. Because this way people look nicer.
   b. So that people could be seen at night.
   c. Because evil spirits like colourful coastumes.
   d. Because people should dress in Halloween colours. This is,
       orange, black and white.
8. Why is it important to have some food prepared on Halloween?
    a. Because the children end up tired and hungry after
    b. In case you have unexpected guests.
    c. To have a family reunion.
    d. In case some spirits come to your house.



Monday 22 October 2012

Let's describe a room

Look at this room and read the desciption below.

This room is a bit messy. It has got things everywhere. It has got a laptop on the bed. It has got T-shirts on the floor. It has got trainers on an armchair. It has got books and sheets on the floor.


Look at Sara's room and write down the description. Lok at the previous one as an example.
Use have got and prepositions of place (on, in front of, next to, between, ...)

Friday 19 October 2012

Latest News from this week

Read the following text from and choose the appropriate answer for the questions below.

1. What is Rabobank?   (the name gives a clue)
2. What is Rabobank ending?
3. Where is Rabobank from?
4. What does this sentence mean "Amstrong engaged in serial cheating"?
5. Are they sure that cycling can be a clean sport without doping?
6. Who is Lance Amstrong?

This week's news  -  Sony's Swan Game

Breaking news for PlayStation fans.


Read this article from and answer the questions below.

(click on the image to go to the website)

1. Where are the game developers from?
2. Is the game violent?
3. What do the players do with this game?
4. How does the game start?
5. What do the players have to do with a swan?
6. What's the name of this game?


Think of a console game and explain it using these connectors:
first, ...;  then, ...; after that, ...; finally, ...

This week's news - Felix Baumgartner

Do you know who Felix Baumgartner is?
Where is he from?
How old is he?
Find this informatin and more on or by clicking on the image.


Find the answers to these questions.

a. How did he make history on 14th October 2012?
b. What did he do in Kuala Lumpur in 1999?
c. Why was this jump a world record?
d. What did he do in December 2007?
e. What are the Taipei 101?
f. Where did he jump from in 2001?
g. What did he do in July 2003?
h. How did he do it?
i. How long did the flight last?
j. What did he do in Croatia in 2004?

Notice that the lengths are measured in feet (ft).  1ft = 0.30 metres
You can calculate the lengths by using this converter

Friday 12 October 2012

Let's have fun!

Some of you asked me for the song Hot 'n Cold by Katy Perry. Here's the song. Watch the official video and ...

a. choose the appropriate word.
b. write down the missing words of the chorus. Pay special attention. It has to do with opposites.

You  change your mind
Like a girl changes MAKE UP / CLOTHES / LOVE
Yeah you PMS
Like a bitch, I would know
And you overthink
Always speak cryptically
I should KNOW / STOP /  GO
That you're no good for me
'Cause you're hot then you're ____________
You're yes then you're ____________
You're in then you're ____________
You're up then you're ____________
You're wrong when it's ____________
It's black and it's ____________
We fight, we break up
We kiss, we make up
You! You don't really want to stay, no
You! But you don't really want to go-o
We used to be
Just like twins, so in sync
The same energy
Now's a dead battery
Now you're plain boring
I should know that you're not gonna CHANGE / COME / REVENGE
Someone call the doctor
Got a case of a love bi-polar
Stuck on a roller coaster
Can't get off this ride
You change your mind
Like a girl changes clothes

Let's have fun!

Do you like David Ghetta? Here's his famous song "I gotta feeling". Listen to it and do the activities provided.


* gotta = have got a; *gonna= going to;
*wanna= Want to

1. Translate the sentence:
I gotta feeling that tonight's gonna be a good night

2. Listen to this part of the song and fill in the spaces with the prepositions in the box

up, out, off, down
I gotta* feeling that tonight's gonna be a good night
That tonight's gonna* be a good night
That tonight's gonna be a good good night (x3)
Tonight's the night night
Let's live it _______
I got my money
Let's spend it _______
Go _______and smash it
Like Oh My God
Jump _______that sofa
Let's get get _______
I know that we'll have a ball
If we get _______
And go _______
And just loose it all
I feel stressed _______
I wanna let it go
Let's go way _______spaced _______
And loosing all control
Fill _______ my cup
Look at her dancing
Just take it _______
Let's paint the town
We'll shut it _______
Let's burn the roof
And then we'll do it again

3. Find the sentences with the structure "Let's+ infinitive" and translate them.

(Taken from Isabel Pérez's website)

Let's have fun!

Do you like Nelly Furtado? Is the song "Say it right" familiar to you? Listen to it and complete the lyrics below.

Say It Right   (lyrics)
In the day, in the ____________
Say it right, say it all
You either got it or you don't
You either stand or you ____________
When your will is broken
When it slips from your ____________
When there's no time for joking
There's a hole in the ____________

Oh, you don't mean nothing at all to me
No, you don't mean nothing at all to me
Oh, you've got what it takes to set me ____________
Oh, you could mean everything to me

I can't say that I'm not lost and found
I can't say that I don't love the light and the ____________
I can't that I don't know that I am alive
And all of what I feel I could show you ____________

Oh, you don't mean nothing at all to me
No, you don't mean nothing at all to me
Oh, you've got what it takes to set me ____________
Oh, you could mean everything to me

From my hands I can give you, something that I made
From my mouth I can sing you another brick that I laid
From my body I can show you a place, God knows
If you know this place is holy, do you really want to ____________?

Let's have fun!

Do you want to listen to Gotye? here's his famous song "Somebody that I used to know".

a. Write down all the verbs that are in past.

b. Find words that mean.
     1- OK:
    2- suffering:
    3- happy:
    4- finished:
    5- person you don't know:
    6- impolite:
    7- abandon:

Friday 5 October 2012


Watch this video and enjoy this day dedicated to us and to our job, sometimes difficult but rewarding at the same time.

Today is ...  World Teacher's Day

Watch this video and write down a short dialogue in the classroom.

Now listen to this song and follow the lyrics below. On a paper write down the five different activities the children do.

This is the way we go to  school,
This is the way we go to school so early in the morning.
This is the way we dress ourselves,
This is the way we dress ourselves so early in the morning.
This is the way we wash our hands,
This is the way we wash our hands so early in the morning.
This is the way we brush our teeth
This is the way we brush our teeth so early in the morning.
This is the way we carry our books
This is the way we carry our books so early in the morning.
This is the way we go to school,
This is the way we go to school so early in the morning.

Today is ... World Teacher's Day


Think of good teachers that you have or had.
- What qualities must a good teacher have?
- What must a good class include?

Now let's watch a video of a story called "The Pianist" and answer the questions below.

1. What's the boy's name?
2. What does he like doing?
3. When did he go to his oiano class?
4. How often did he practise? And when?
5. Who is Vicky?
6. What does the sentence "your fingers move like a squirrel on the piano keys" mean?
7. What secret does Vicki whisper into Azur's ear?
8. What is inside Vicki's box?
9. Why didn't he practice the day before his performance?
10. What couldn't Azul find when he woke up on the day of the performance?
11. Where is the piano?
12. What did he do in front of the piano?
13. Where was the butterfly?