Monday 29 October 2012

It's Halloween

Let's learn some facts about the origins oh Halloween.

Read each text and ansewer the questions below.

1. Where does the word Halloween come from?
2. What's the meaning of the word "Halloween"?
3. What happened on October 31st in Celtic Ireland in the 5thc BC
     (Before Christ)?


Now watch this video on a Halloween appliccation and choose the correct answer for each question.

Make your smartphone Halloween-ready

1. How many noises can you access with this application?
    a. 20          b. 10          c. 12          d. 22

2. How many places does this app have in its database?
    a. 3,000          b. more than 3,000          c. less than 3,000

3. How much is it?
    a. 99 euros          b. 99 dollars          c. 99 pounds         
    d. 99 cents

4. Can you call your friends for free?