Friday 26 October 2012



On 31st October Halloween is celebrated. Watch this video to learn some facts about its history and then aswer the questions below.

1. When is the origin of Halloween?
    a. one thousand years ago
    b. two thousand years ago
    c. one hundred years ago
    d. two hundred years ago
2. To start talking about Halloween's origin we must go back to ...
    a. the Romans
    b. the Vikings
    c. the demons
    d. the druids
3. Where did those people live?
    a. in England
    b. in Ireland
    c. in both England and Ireland
4. What did they think?
   a. the believed that the spirits would return to the Earth
       on Halloween.
   b. they thought that the spirits would never return to Earth,
       neither on Halloween.
   c. they believed that the spirits were bad.
   d. they thought that the spirits were good.
5. Why did people dress up to look like ghosts?
   a. to scare the evil spirits
   b. to have fun
   c. to go trick-or-treating
6. Why did the neighbours give the people treats?
   a. In order to have something to eat.
   b. In order to have a good time and play a little bit.
   c. Because they had a lot of things that they didn't want.
   d. Because they didn't want the evil spirits to play a trick on them.
7. Why should people dress in coloured costumes?
   a. Because this way people look nicer.
   b. So that people could be seen at night.
   c. Because evil spirits like colourful coastumes.
   d. Because people should dress in Halloween colours. This is,
       orange, black and white.
8. Why is it important to have some food prepared on Halloween?
    a. Because the children end up tired and hungry after
    b. In case you have unexpected guests.
    c. To have a family reunion.
    d. In case some spirits come to your house.