Sunday 18 November 2012

Let's learn about England!

Click on the image and do the comprehension exercise provided.

Do you know anything about the Queen of England? Let's get to know her a little bit more.Watch this video, read the text and then do the comprehension exercise.

(click on the image to see the text bigger on the original website)

1. a. She was crowned in 1952
    b. She was crowned in 1953.

2. a. Queen Elisabeth and Prince Phillip have three sons and one
    b. Queen Elisabeth and Prince Phillip have three daughters and
        one son.

3. a. The Diamond Jubilee is celebrated after 60 years governing or
        married to a person.
    b. The Diamond Jubilee is celebrated after 50 years governing or
        married to a person.

4. a. Queen Elisabeth and Prince Phillip are  touring the UK.
    b. Queen Elisabeth and Prince Phillip are touring England.

5. a. Elisabeth is only the queen of the United Kingdom.
    b. Elisabeth is the queen of the United Kingdom and 13 other

6. On Tuesday 5th June 2012 there was a bank holiday. What is a
    bank holiday?
    a. It's a day when banks close, but most people go to work.
    b. It's a day when banks and many shops close and many people
        have the day off.