Sunday 18 November 2012

Let's work with Real English!

Watch this video and choose the correct option.

1. What does Jonathan do at the weekend?
    a. He plays golf.
    b. He plays sport.
    c. He plays football.
    d. He plays the flute.
2. What does Lisa do for fun?
    a. She always goes to the park.
    b. She goes to the bar.
    c. She always goes to the zoo.
    d. She goes to the park or the zoo when the weather is nice.
3. What do Caroline and Sarah do for fun?
    a. They go out and drink in parks.
    b. They go out and do sport in clubs.
    c. They don't go out and do parties at home.
    d. They go out to night clubs.
4. What does Steven do for fun?
    a. Anything to do with God. He usually goes to church.
    b. He never goes to church.
    c. He doesn't like church. He's not a Christian.
    d. He meets friends in a church every Sunday.
5. What does Larry do for fun?
    a. He only plays music.
    b. He plays videos of sports.
    c. He plays videos and does some sport.
    d. He doesn't do sport, but likes music.
6. What does Lea do for fun?
    a. He does car racing.
    b. He watches car races.
    c. He plays car racing games on the computer.
    d. He reads car racing magazines.
7. What do Christine and Victoria do for fun?
    a. Christine likes dancing.
    b. They like staying at home with their friends.
    c. Victoria likes dancing and Christine likes going out with friends.
    d. They like dancing with friends.
8. What does Vicky do for fun?
    a. She's always bored because she's not a funny person.
    b. She never has fun because she works too much.
    c. She doesn't like having fun. She prefers working.
    d. She has a lot of fun when she's at work.