Wednesday 16 January 2013

Today's News  (from CBBC)


(click on the image to go to the website)
Read the article and answer the following questions:
1. What kind of burgers had horsemeat?
2. What has happened to these burgers?
3. Name two supermarkets that sold these burgers.
4. What did other beef products have apart from horsemeat?
5. What is good about horsemeat?

Listen to Mini talking about her country, Sri Lanka, and the things you can do there. Then answer the questions below.

(Click on the image to go to the website)
In the listening there are two tabs: transcript and vocabulary. In transcript, you can see the script (dialogue) or hide it just by clicking on "Audio transcript +/-)".
1. How many things does Mini recommend from Sri Lanka?
2. Which things does she recommend?
3. What's the name of the castle? And why?
4. Why does she recommend to visit the beaches?
5. Are the hotels expensive in Sri lanka?
6. Why is "Tooth Temple" called like this?  (like this= així)