Wednesday 30 January 2013

Let's go to the movies! 

Coming soon ...  Epic

Here's the trailer of a film called Epic. Watch it and do the exercise below.

- Choose the correct option in each case.
1. The girl's _______ always told her stories.
    a. mum      b. grandad      c. dad       d. aunt
2. They were stories about _______.
    a. the real world      b. an imaginary world
    b. a cruel world       d. the hidden world
3. What was the weather like?
    a. It was windy.      b. It was rainy.
    c. It was foggy.      d. It was sunny.
4. Is the animal talking a snail or a slug? 
    What's the difference between a snail and a slug?
5. Who are the leafmen?
    a. men that eat leaves.  
    b. protectors of the forest.
    c. men that want to destroy the forest.
    d. protectors of people's life.
6. When the girl sees the cat she says:
    a. big kisses     b. more kisses     c. no kisses

- Now answer these questions:
7. When is the film coming to the cinemas?
8. What kind of film is it? (western, thriller, ...)
9. At the beginning of the film the girl's dad says "just because you haven't seen something it doesn't mean it's not there". Can you translate this sentence? And do you agree with him?