Wednesday 16 January 2013

The News Today   (from BBC)

Go to the BBC news website by clicking on the image and then read the article called "Two die in London Helicopter crash". You can read the whole article by clicking on the title.

Answer the following questions from the article:
1. How many people died and who were these people?
2. How many people were injured?
3. What did the helicopter hit?
4. How many firefighters intervened?
5. How many people were taken to hospital and how many 
    were treated at the scene?
6. What is still under construction?
7. What is supposed to be the cause of the accident?
8. Who was on board of the helicopter?
9. Was Mr Barnes an experimented pilot?
10. What was his relationship with the film industry?

Now listen to the piece of news by clicking on the image of the article and choose the correct answers.
1. What part of the crane did the helicopter hit?
   a. the front          b. the center          c. the back
2. What did the man think it was when he heard a bang?
   a. He thought it was an accident.
   b. He thought it was a simulation.
   c. he thought it was a bomb.
3. Was the building new?
   a. It was still under construction.
   b. It was recently finished.
   c. It was quite old.
4. What was the weather like?
   a. It was windy.
   b. It was rainy.
   c. It was foggy.