Friday 10 May 2013

May 8th was International Red Cross Day

Let's surf their official website
Find the following information in "Who we are" (at the bottom of the website).
1. What is Red Cross?
2. When was it founded and who founded it?
3. In case of a disaster, how do they act?
4. Do they also collect blood like hospitals?
5. What values do they promote?
After reading all the information in "who we are" answer the following question:
6. Who are they?

Story of an idea - The Film

Choose the correct answers.
1. When did it start?
     a. June 1839      b. June 1939     c. 1869     d. 1959
2. a. Henry Dunant started a battle in the fields.
    b. Mr Dunant had an accident in the field.
    c. Mr Dunant found himself in the mioddle of a battlefield.
    d. Mr Dunant saw a battlefield and continued his journey.
3. What was the village of Sulfurino like?
    a. It was a quiet village.
    b. It was a busy village.
    c. It was a big and noisy village.
    d. It was a quiet town, not a village.
4. Who were fighting?
    a. The French and the Austrian armies.
    b. The French and the Italian armies.
    c. The Swiss and the French armies.
    d. The French and the German armies.
5. By evening ...
    a. hundreds were dead, but there were no wounded.
    b. thousands were dead, but only some wounded.
    c. thousands were dead and wounded.
    d. thousands were wounded.
6. He set up a hospital in a church and ...
    a. was joined by women from the village.
    b. was joined by villagers, both women and the elderly.
    c. nobody helped him.
    d. the priests in the church helped him.
7. a. The villagers treated the French and the Austrian alike.
    b. The French and the Austrian they liked.
    c. The French, but not the Austrian.
    d. The Austrian, but not the French.
8. Dunant's book "A Memory of Sulfurino" was published  ...
    a. in 1852.
    b. in 1862.
    c. in 1872.
    d. in 1882.
9. Dunant proposed the establishment in every country of ...
   a. independent volunteers to fight in battlefields.
   b. volunteers to help independent countries.
   c.  independent committees.
   d. a neutral and independent body of helpers.
10. Who formed the ICRC (International Committee of the Red Cross)?
   a. Dunant.
   b. Dunant and four other men.
   c. Dunant and the president.
   d. Dunant and two other men.

  You can read the story of an idea in comic format by clicking here or in the link