Thursday 23 May 2013

How to book a hotel room

Summer is coming and maybe you are planning to go on holiday. Let's learn how to book a room at a hotel.
Watch this video and do the activity below.
Copy and complete the dialogue (use a different colour for the gaps):
RECEPTIONIST:   Will Inn, (1) __________________.
JOE: Hello, (2) _______________ Joe Murphy.
RECEPTIONIST: Hello, how (3) ______________________?
JOE: I'd like to (4) ___________ a room.
RECEPTIONIST: (5) _________ for?
JOE: From July (6) ___________ until July (7) _________.
RECEPTIONIST: Would you like a (8) _____________  or a
                      (9) ___________ room?
JOE: Can I have a single room with a (10) ____________?
JOE: (11) ________________ is the single room?
RECEPTIONIST: It's 75 dollars a (12) _____________.
JOE: Is (13) ______________ included?
RECEPTIONIST: Yes, breakfast is included in the (14) _______.
JOE: Ok, I'll take it then.
RECEPTIONIST: Could you give me your last name (15) ________?
JOE: (16) _________, it's Murphy, M-U-R-P-H-Y.
RECEPTIONIST: Could you give me your (17) ________________?
JOE: of course. It's
JOE: Yes, that's (18) ___________.
RECEPTIONIST: Ok then, I'll send you the confirmation by email.
JOE: Thank you, bye.
RECEPTIONIST: Bye, have a nice day.