Thursday 12 September 2013


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Thursday 30 May 2013

We're going to Port Aventura !!

Hey everyone, Friday 7th is coming.
Why don't we learn Port Aventura's song? This one is the English version.
Let's sing to the rhythm of the music!
Choose the correct words.

give me your (1) men/hands/friends
we'll be forever (2) men/ hens/ friends

join us (3) this night/tonight/all night

dancing into the (4) light/dark/park

hey baby hey
this is the (5) play/game/way

we will party all together
singin' oh oh oh oh
just open your (6) heart/car/bag

if you feel alright
put your hands to the (7) light/night/sky
we can play the song (8) together/forever/wherever

singin' oh oh oh oh
let's party with me


come on light up the sky
baby this is the (9) light/night/sky

we can live a dream together
singin' oh oh oh oh
just open your (10) heart/car/bag

you can set me (11) here/free/see
just let it be
we can live that dream (12) together/forever/whenever
singin' oh oh oh oh
let's party with me

(Chorus) x2

Go to PortAventura's website and find answers to the following questions.
1. Where can you find The Tutuki Splash and the Sea Odissey?
2. Name three things that you can find in the area of Mexico.
3. Where can you enjoy the tranquility of a fishing village?
4. When did SesamoAventura open to the public?
5. How many areas are there in the theme park?
6. Complete these sentences with the following words:
       simulator - rollercoasters - waterfalls - ride
    a. Tutuki Splash is a challenging ____________
    b. The Sea Odissey is a 4D ____________
    c. Dragon Khan and Shambala are ____________
    d. In Silver River Flume you can plunge down vertical ____________ aboard a trunk.

We're going to Port Aventura !!

Hey everyone, Friday 7th is coming.
Why don't we learn Port Aventura's song? This one is the English version.
Let's sing to the rhythm of the music!

Write the correct words in the gaps.
give me your (1) ___________
we'll be forever (2) ___________
join us (3) ___________

dancing into the (4) ___________
hey baby hey
this is the (5) ___________
we will party all together
singin' oh oh oh oh
just open your (6) ___________

if you feel alright
put your hands to the (7) ___________
we can play the song (8) ___________
singin' oh oh oh oh
let's party with me


come on light up the sky
baby this is the (9) ___________
we can live a dream together
singin' oh oh oh oh
just open your (10) ___________

you can set me (11) ___________
just let it be
we can live that dream (12)___________
singin' oh oh oh oh
let's party with me

(Chorus) x2

ACTIVITY 2Go to PortAventura's website and find answers to the following questions.
1. Where can you find The Tutuki Splash and the Sea Odissey?

2. Name three things that you can find in the area of Mexico.
3. Where can you enjoy the tranquility of a fishing village?
4. When did SesamoAventura open to the public?
5. How many areas are there in the theme park?
6. Complete these sentences with the following words:
         simulator - rollercoasters - waterfalls - ride
     a. Tutuki Splash is a challenging ____________
     b. The Sea Odissey is a 4D ____________
     c. Dragon Khan and Shambala are ____________
       d. In Stampida you can plunge down vertical ____________ aboard a trunk.

Thursday 23 May 2013

How to book a hotel room

Summer is coming and maybe you are planning to go on holiday. Let's learn how to book a room at a hotel.
Watch this video and do the activity below.
Copy and complete the dialogue (use a different colour for the gaps):
RECEPTIONIST:   Will Inn, (1) __________________.
JOE: Hello, (2) _______________ Joe Murphy.
RECEPTIONIST: Hello, how (3) ______________________?
JOE: I'd like to (4) ___________ a room.
RECEPTIONIST: (5) _________ for?
JOE: From July (6) ___________ until July (7) _________.
RECEPTIONIST: Would you like a (8) _____________  or a
                      (9) ___________ room?
JOE: Can I have a single room with a (10) ____________?
JOE: (11) ________________ is the single room?
RECEPTIONIST: It's 75 dollars a (12) _____________.
JOE: Is (13) ______________ included?
RECEPTIONIST: Yes, breakfast is included in the (14) _______.
JOE: Ok, I'll take it then.
RECEPTIONIST: Could you give me your last name (15) ________?
JOE: (16) _________, it's Murphy, M-U-R-P-H-Y.
RECEPTIONIST: Could you give me your (17) ________________?
JOE: of course. It's
JOE: Yes, that's (18) ___________.
RECEPTIONIST: Ok then, I'll send you the confirmation by email.
JOE: Thank you, bye.
RECEPTIONIST: Bye, have a nice day.

How to check in at a hotel

Summer is coming, so why not learn how to check in at a hotel. Watch the video and do the activity below.

1. What does the receptionist say to welcome the two women?
2. What do the two women say to him after he welcomes them?
3. What kind of reservation do they have?
4. What room do they have?
5. Where is the room?
6. How long are they going to stay?
7 What happened to the woman's sister's luggage?
8. What does the receptionist ask them for?
9. What's the ckeck-out time?
10. What can they do if they need any assistance?

Monday 20 May 2013

Are you a One Direction fan?

Some students of 3r ESO esked me for this song since they are real fans of the band. This post is especially dedicated to them.
Listen to the song and choose the correct words.

Liam Payne:
Hey girl, I'm waitin' on ya, I'm waitin' on ya
Come on and let me sneak you out
And have a celebration, a celebration
The music up, the (1) music's/window's/loser's down

Zayn Malik:
Yeah, we'll be doing what we do
Just pretending that we're (2) cool/fool/good
And we know it too
Yeah, we'll keep doing what we do
Just pretending that we're (3) cool/fool/good
So tonight

Let's go crazy, crazy, crazy till we see the (4) lamp/plan/sun
I know we only met but let's pretend it's love
And never, never, never stop for anyone
Tonight let's get (5) some/one/angry
And live while we're young
Oh oh oh oh
Oh oh oh oh
And live while we're young
Woahhh oh oh oh
Tonight let's get (6) some/one/angry

Harry Styles:
And live while we're young

Zayn Malik:
Hey girl, it's now or never, it's now or never
Don't over-think, just let it go
And if we get together, yeah, get together
Don't let the pictures leave your (7) world/mom/phone, ohhhh

Niall Horan:
Yeah, we'll be doing what we do
Just pretending that we're (8) cool/fool/good
So tonight


 Harry Styles:
And live while we're young

Zayn Malik:
And girl, you and I,
We're 'bout to make some memories tonight

Louis Tomlinson:
I wanna live while we're young
We wanna live while we're young


 Harry Styles:
Tonight let's get (9) some/one/angry

Zayn Malik:
And live while we're young

Find words that mean:
a. the star at the centre of our solar system
b. special festivity
c. continue doing
d. make believe
e. spend more time thinking about something than is necessary

Saturday 18 May 2013

Let's revise for the exam!

In you'll find some self-correctable exercises on:
- a, an, some, any
- a lot of, much, many
If you need more, tell me on Tuesday and I'll upload more links.

Friday 10 May 2013

May 8th was International Red Cross Day

(click on the image to go to the website)

Find the information in "What is First Aid" and "How it works".

1. What is First Aid about?
    a. About helping people in all the situations.
    b. About helping people when we are alone.
    c. About helping people who are injured.
2.  What's the emergency number in the UK?
    a. 112
    b. 999
    c. 012
3. Who is a life-saver?
    a. a person that saves money to live life.
    b. a person that saves lives.
    c. a person that saves information in a pen drive.

Now go to the "Stay safe" section and watch the film "Hot chocolate". What do you predict that will happen?

Now do the quiz. You don't need to write any ID, just start it and click on "submit" to check the answers.
You must copy the questions and the correct answers.

Just before finishing you can play the game and spot the hazards in the kitchen.

May 8th was International Red Cross Day

Let's surf their official website
Find the following information in "Who we are" (at the bottom of the website).
1. What is Red Cross?
2. When was it founded and who founded it?
3. In case of a disaster, how do they act?
4. Do they also collect blood like hospitals?
5. What values do they promote?
After reading all the information in "who we are" answer the following question:
6. Who are they?

Story of an idea - The Film

Choose the correct answers.
1. When did it start?
     a. June 1839      b. June 1939     c. 1869     d. 1959
2. a. Henry Dunant started a battle in the fields.
    b. Mr Dunant had an accident in the field.
    c. Mr Dunant found himself in the mioddle of a battlefield.
    d. Mr Dunant saw a battlefield and continued his journey.
3. What was the village of Sulfurino like?
    a. It was a quiet village.
    b. It was a busy village.
    c. It was a big and noisy village.
    d. It was a quiet town, not a village.
4. Who were fighting?
    a. The French and the Austrian armies.
    b. The French and the Italian armies.
    c. The Swiss and the French armies.
    d. The French and the German armies.
5. By evening ...
    a. hundreds were dead, but there were no wounded.
    b. thousands were dead, but only some wounded.
    c. thousands were dead and wounded.
    d. thousands were wounded.
6. He set up a hospital in a church and ...
    a. was joined by women from the village.
    b. was joined by villagers, both women and the elderly.
    c. nobody helped him.
    d. the priests in the church helped him.
7. a. The villagers treated the French and the Austrian alike.
    b. The French and the Austrian they liked.
    c. The French, but not the Austrian.
    d. The Austrian, but not the French.
8. Dunant's book "A Memory of Sulfurino" was published  ...
    a. in 1852.
    b. in 1862.
    c. in 1872.
    d. in 1882.
9. Dunant proposed the establishment in every country of ...
   a. independent volunteers to fight in battlefields.
   b. volunteers to help independent countries.
   c.  independent committees.
   d. a neutral and independent body of helpers.
10. Who formed the ICRC (International Committee of the Red Cross)?
   a. Dunant.
   b. Dunant and four other men.
   c. Dunant and the president.
   d. Dunant and two other men.

  You can read the story of an idea in comic format by clicking here or in the link