Friday 28 September 2012

Today is ...   Native Americans Day


Do you know who Native Americans are? Let's discover some facts about them.
Click on the image to find the information required to answer the questions below.


1. Who are Native Americans?
2. Can you call Native Americans "Red Indians"?
3. What do all Native American tribes have in common? (write a short sentence and don't copy a whole paragraph)
4. What did they do with animals?
5. What did they use animal furs and skins for?
6. What did they use animal bones for?
7. Which was the most important food crop for Native Americans?
8. Did they use many spices when cooking?
9. What were the roles of men and women in most tribes?
10. Why did Native Americans begin to diminish?


Have you ever heard Native American music? You are going to listen to a song called Yeha Noha interpreted by a band called Sacred Spirit.

Have a look at this video, listen to the music and write down:
- how you feel with this type of music.
- what is represented in the video.