Friday 14 September 2012

Today is ...  National_Cream-Filled_Donut_Day

Do you like donuts?
How often do you eat them?
What's your favourite type of donut?

American people have a celebration for everything and today is the national day for this type of pastry.
Read this text and do the activities below.

(if you want to read it better click on the image and it will link you to the original website)


Answer the following questions:

1. What type of donuts are "cream-filled donuts"?
2. Who invented donuts?
3. What was particular of the original donuts?


Now it's time for you to discover how to make donuts at home. You can watch the following video and ...

1. write down the ingredients that you need to make them.
2. write down the steps to follow.


Notice that British people use different units (oz, teaspoons, cups, ...) to ours (grs, cl, ...). Write down the quantities with both units (the ones that British people use and convert them into grams, mililitres, ...). Here is a website that will help you a lot.

If you are bored at the weekend you can make some doughnuts and send me the photos by email.