Friday 28 September 2012

Today is ...  Native Americans Day


1. Which word don't you associate with Native Americans?
     a. Apaches
     b. Egyptians
     c. Comanches
     d. Siouxs
     e. Mohawks

2. Name five foods that Native Americans used to eat. Click on the following link to find the information.


This worksheet has got twenty words related to Native Americans. You must unscramble the words, write them correctly and look for their translations in the dictionary.

(if you want to see the image bigger click on it to go to the original website)

If you want to listen to some Native American music, watch this video and enjoy it.

Today is ... Native Americans Day


1. Which word don't you associate with Native Americans?
a. Apaches
b. Egyptians
c. Comanches
d. Siouxs
e. Mohawks


As you have discovered, the Sioux are one Native American Tribe. Let's know some facts about them by answering the questions below.

Click on the image to go to the original website.

1. What's the meaning of "Sioux"?
2. Where do the sioux people live?
3. How are the Sioux organised?
4. Do they have their own laws?
5. Who is an "itancan"?
6. What language do the Sioux speak?
7. Do Sioux children go to school?
8. What do children like doing in their free time?
9. What type of "homes" did Sioux people live in?
10. Where do they live nowadays?


Now you will listen to some Native American music. It's interpreted by a band called Sacred Spirit and the title is Yeha Noha.
Write down what this music makes you feel.

Today is ...   Native Americans Day


Do you know who Native Americans are? Let's discover some facts about them.
Click on the image to find the information required to answer the questions below.


1. Who are Native Americans?
2. Can you call Native Americans "Red Indians"?
3. What do all Native American tribes have in common? (write a short sentence and don't copy a whole paragraph)
4. What did they do with animals?
5. What did they use animal furs and skins for?
6. What did they use animal bones for?
7. Which was the most important food crop for Native Americans?
8. Did they use many spices when cooking?
9. What were the roles of men and women in most tribes?
10. Why did Native Americans begin to diminish?


Have you ever heard Native American music? You are going to listen to a song called Yeha Noha interpreted by a band called Sacred Spirit.

Have a look at this video, listen to the music and write down:
- how you feel with this type of music.
- what is represented in the video.

Today is ...   Native Americans Day


Do you know who Native Americans are? Let's discover some facts about them.

Click on the image to find the answers to the following questions.

1. Why are this tribe called Blackfoot?
2. They are called Blackfoot and Blackfeet. Why do they have two names?
3. Where do they liev?
4. How many Blackfoot bands are there? And where are they?
5. Where does each Blackfoot tribe live?
6. How many Blackfoot people are there nowadays?
7. What language do they speak?
8. What do children do in their daily life?
9. What was the Blackfoot men's role in the past?
10. What were Blackfoot homes like in the past?
11. And where do they live nowadays?
12. What was the basic food the Blackfood ate? And how did they get it?


Have you ever heard Native American music? You are going to listen to a song called Yeha Noha interpreted by a band called Sacred Spirit.

Have a look at this video, listen to the music and write down:
- how you feel with this type of music.
- what is represented in the video.

Friday 21 September 2012

Today is ... International Peace Day


In Wikipedia you can find three definitions of what peace is. Can you write them down?


- Do you know a song called "Imagine"?
- Who is the singer of the song?

Let's listen to it and do the exercise. Click on the image to go to the website.

Now copy the song and translate it.

Today is ...   International Peace Day


Write five words that you associate with the word "peace".


- Do you know a song called "Imagine"?
- Who is the singer of the song?

Let's listen to it and do the exercise. Click on the image to go to the website.

Now copy the song and translate it.

Today is ...  International Peace Day


Why International Peace Day? What do people celebrate on International Peace Day? To know more about it, let's read the text on this website.

Read the text and find the answers to these questions:

1. Where is International Peace day celebrated? And when?
2. What activities are organised for this day?
3. Who established this day and when?
4. What was the UN (United Nation)'s aim when they established this day?
5. Name four ways of celebrating this day.
6. Find words that mean:
    a. midday:
    b. transmit by radio or television:
    c. a thing that takes place:
    d. offer:
    e. dedicate:
    f. the human race:
    g. all around the world:
    h. objective, aim:

Are you familiar with a song called "Imagine"? Now listen to it and pay special attention to the lyrics.

- Why is the song connected to peace?
- It's time for you to imagine other things and change the lyrics. You must copy the song and complete the gaps provided so that the whole song makes sense. YOU CAN WORK IN PAIRS!

(examples: "Imagine there are no teachers", or Imagine there are no politicians", "Imagine there are aliens", ...  BE IMAGINATIVE!)

The best versions will be read out loud in class!

Imagine there's/are no ___________
It's easy if you try
No __________ below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the ___________

Imagine there's no __________
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to ___________
And no religion too
Imagine all the ___________
Living life in peace...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no __________
I wonder if you can
No ___________ or ___________
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the ___________ 
Sharing all the world...

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one

Today is ...   International Peace Day


Answer the following questions:

1. In what countries is this day celebrated?
2. What is its objective?
3. Who "invented" this day? And when?
4. Has it always been celebrated on September 21st?
5. Can you find synonyms for these words?
    - objective
    - look for:
    - celebrated:


Here's a famous song by the Beatles. It's called "Imagine".
Let's watch the official video and listen to it.

Did you understand the song? What's the message behind it?
Who's the singer?
Watch the following video with the lyrics.

1. Write down five things the singer imagines.
2. Why does John Lennon say "you may say I'm a dreamer"?

Friday 14 September 2012

Today is ... National Cream-Filled Donuts Day

Donut or doughnut? Both spellings are correct.

Let's have a look at Wikipedia's definition.

(click on the image to go to the website)


Answer the following questions:

1. What is a doughnut?
2. Are they a popular type of food?
3. Do all doughnuts have the typical ring form?
4. What other shapes can you find?
5. Where can you buy doughnuts?


Now let's investigate on the net.

a. Name three types of toppings.
b. Name three types of sweet fillings.


Now it's time to discover how you can make doughnuts at home. Watch this video and write down the ingredients.

If you want subtitles, they are available at the toolbar (at the bottom on the right).

Today is ...  National_Cream-Filled_Donut_Day

Do you like donuts?
How often do you eat them?
What's your favourite type of donut?

American people have a celebration for everything and today is the national day for this type of pastry.
Read this text and do the activities below.

(if you want to read it better click on the image and it will link you to the original website)


Answer the following questions:

1. What type of donuts are "cream-filled donuts"?
2. Who invented donuts?
3. What was particular of the original donuts?


Now it's time for you to discover how to make donuts at home. You can watch the following video and ...

1. write down the ingredients that you need to make them.
2. write down the steps to follow.


Notice that British people use different units (oz, teaspoons, cups, ...) to ours (grs, cl, ...). Write down the quantities with both units (the ones that British people use and convert them into grams, mililitres, ...). Here is a website that will help you a lot.

If you are bored at the weekend you can make some doughnuts and send me the photos by email.

Welcome to secondary school!


Do you remember some "greetings" in English? Let's revise them with the following song.

The next day we will practise them in class.


Today we have talked about classroom vocabulary in class. So, let's practise it. Click on the image and ...

1. write down all the vocabulary with the translation in Catalan.
2. do the four exercises provided (you don't have to copy them, ok!)

Wednesday 12 September 2012


So here's the blog! As I've told you today in class, this year we are going to work with the blog at least once a week.

Get familiar with it because I will give you homework from it every weekend.