Saturday 21 July 2012

Today is ...  National Junk Food Day

Read the text and and circle the correct option in the sentences below.

(click on the images to go to the original website)

1. What is considered junk food?
     a. bread     b. fruit     c. crisps     d. potatoes
2. What does the expression "guilt-free" mean?
     a. with no guilt     b. feeling guilty    
3. What are "fatty snacks"?   (circle two options)
     a. doughnuts and cookies
     b. roast chicken and baked potatoes
     c. ice-creams
     d. vegetables and fruit
4. What does the expression "keeping in the vault" mean?
     a. eating at home           b. buying in shops    
     c. having in the fridge     d. reserving in the cupboards/pantry
5. What's a synonym for "garbage"?
     a. rubbish     b. healthy food     c. dairy food     d. vegetables

And now ... Have you heard the Fast Food Song which starts "A Pizza Hut ..."? So let's watch this clip.


Now listen to it again and sing it along. Here is another version with the lyrics.